It looks like the models from Hasslefree and Crooked Dice should get along scale wise. Future purchases of Haz-mat suited models and some scientists from one or the other will help add to the lab team.
My FLGS is tracking down a copy of the Stranger Things D&D starter set to get the two Demigorgon miniatures. There are 3D printing options but I haven't mustered the energy to find a place that will print any 3D desired minis and bits for me so I'll start with the only semi-official miniatures I'm aware of.
Finding models for the almost all of the main cast members from seasons 1 and 2 continues to look like it will be an exercise is counts as approximations. Any suggestions or links to conversions by other hobbyists would be appreciated if known about.
Terrain should be pretty straight forward with the main obstacles being cost, storage and follow through on my part. A terrain piece every few months is probably the right approach and it may be the place for me to finally try the buy and fully model including paint path before getting the next piece. Downtown Hawkins buildings and businesses should be usable for urban pulp gaming as well if I keep signage and other details swappable.
Finally, I have purchased the 2nd edition Pulp Alley rules and the Solo card deck. I need to read through those and then try out a couple of the scenarios after drawing up leagues for some of the characters and people in the setting.
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