Monday, December 20, 2021

November and December 2021 Modeling

Extra days off and things to do on those days means more stressful hobby months than was envisioned at the beginning.  Lots of converting and terrain building done but nothing finished in November besides five space marines and a monster. 

Ash heaps were a lot of work but worth it in the end.  I learned the basics from The Game Smith's sand ruins video.  I did tweak it by using Wyloch's construction sand technique for basing instead of the dollar store sand but that's the only variation.

Finally got through the ash heaps and related terrain piece for the Yaktribe Competition 40 that had a due date of December 23, 2021.  No interest in painting figures while I was working to finish the terrain.  Learning about what it takes to finish a terrain project at least makes me feel better about all of the unfinished terrain in my collection.  It's soooo much work especially if you're learning techniques as you go.