Not having to commute to work the last eight and a half months combined with the launch of 40K 9th Edition and its utter lack of connection with my hobbying mojo meant 2020 became the year of Necromunda. I had started the year full of earnest hobby goals and trying to actually do more hobbying that just buying and assembling models. The year definitely turned out to be more productive that probably any previous year.
I started out focused on my Steel Legion IG force thinking it was small enough that I could actually complete assembling and painting it. Made a bit of progress before pandemic lockdowns and other distractions led me astray.
Steel Legion force. Mostly metal with some officers coming from a combination of Anvil Industries plus Mad Robot Miniatures heads. Mobile mortars for heavy weapon teams from Victoria Miniatures. |
Another long running IG force are my attempt at Arbites. Originally conceived using the old rules where you could upgrade non-veteran units with carapace and running lots of veterans units with shotguns. In 2019 I'd finally settled on Anvil Industries regiment bits to get the carapace look but the 8th edition IG codex had stripped them of official rules to spam carapace but I still liked the concept and I love the Arbites so I dabbled a bit more.
I even got another semi-decent concept of using Genestealer Cult allies as the Detective/Special Forces branch of an Arbites precinct. There would be some modeling carryover from the main Arbites force visually for some of the GSC characters along with Aberrants as Ogryns and maybe a brood brother counts as unit as a breacher squad or some other such thing. That plus the ridgerunner vehicle as a patrol/scout vehicle were very appealing.
I got a few of the characters modeled up but again ran out of enthusiasm and inspiration as the shelter in place continued and economic impacts began to be felt in our family finances. That and the drop of 9th combined to just crush any remaining interest in 40K.
I avoided pandemic hobby interests like gardening or baking and instead picked up my Necromunda books to read a bit closer and brainstorm some terrain and other underhive hobby activities. I also fortunately discovered the
Sump City Radio podcast which explores the depths of Necromunda lore, modeling and gaming while also doing very creative audio segments as an underhive radio station with a diverse set of characters that they and their friends voice which includes news and atmospheric reports for the dome they occupy along with sports, listener advice and other interesting and funny segments. The second half of 2020 ended up being all Necromunda as a result.
Only have the Sump City Radio station broadcast tower so far but the station building and fenced in yard should come soon. |
Sump City Radio also got me excited about the "House of..." books released for four of the original six gangs through their tactical reviews and enthusiasm for the content.
My 2020 Necromunda hobby output. |
Lots of conversions started... |
...many inspired by the "House of..." books. |
Painted models for 2020. |