The excellent Youtube hobby channel
Midwinter Minis just wrapped up a week long get some of your hobby pile painted challenge. I probably managed to put in 15 hours or so over the course of seven days which is probably five times or more what I put toward painting in a given week.
Started work from this starting picture dubbed the "Closet of Shame/Opportunity".
The challenge only allowed one starting photo and this seemed to capture my overall hobby approach/style. |
I managed to get a decent bit of models moved a bit along the path from grey plastic to painted. Others in the challenge painted multiple squads while my progress meant finishing the assembly of models that I had the bits for but were never finished along with priming said models. I also used a brush to finish the priming on many models that had been hit with a grey or Zandri Dust primer, in the case of my Steel Legion models, so that they could actually be painted.
The only truly finished models in the picture are the three crates...another indicator of my hobby approach/style. |
I did manage to finish painting the second squad for my Steel Legion platoon which brings me to 21 of 71 painted infantry models in the army picture below.
Next Steel Legion step is to finish the basing on the left hand side of the army and then the paint jobs on the 3rd infantry platoon, the platoon command squad and the company command squad. After that will come the right hand side elite and heavy support units. Looks like I'll need to find some of my Savlar Chem Dogs to get a second troop choice into the force.
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