Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Dibs and Dabs

Assembled my second Mechanicus Armiger and painting a bit more with quick visits to random miniatures I've bought over the years because I like the model or thought a conversion might be cool to do.  Little interest in batch painting so the poor Steel Legion linger and every other set of many models for different armies waits their turn to move from dusty and poorly primed to decently primed to a model/unit getting painted.

Armigers with carapace and cc arms from Iron Wolf Miniatures for a more Mechanicus look.

Inquisitorial retinue members, Inq28 characters, NPCs for Pulp Alley games of a 40K bent...

Special weapon servitors and an ammo caddy for clearing out that derelict ship all on your own...looking at you Deathwatch Brother Agemus.

Tiniest of progress towards actual Pulp Alley pulp gaming and recreating a Scooby Doo episode or two.

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