Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Mortal Citizens 2022


Backdrop scenery setting atmosphere.  Particulates in solution amidst agents and reagents.  Foils spoiling plans. Foundational functionaries of whatever passes for society.  Underhivers, town folk, distressing damsels...the young and the old.  There is always the need for crowds, dregs and story hooks.  Thanks to Warboss Kurgan's blog where he is currently working on his conversions for the Mortal Citizens Instagram for 2022 I was made aware of a set of prompts to create citizens for my various gaming settings. 

January - Constable/Judiciary/Investigator

February - Messenger/Diplomat/Court Advisor

March - Quartermaster/Logistics

April - Trader/Merchant

May - Explorer

June - Scholar/Librarian/Historian

July - Farmer/Agriculture/Animal Husbandry

August - Smith/Industry/Chemist/Alchemist

September - Entertainer

October - Clergy

November - Companion/Pet/Retainer

December - Ruffian/Criminal

I'm already behind on the prompts but with a ton of models and bits I should be able to come up with something for each.  My two main modeling settings are Necromunda/40K and Pulp.  A full set for either setting is likely beyond me but we'll see.

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