Location: Forgeworld Incaladion, Ultima Segmentum...hobby blog of Pagumb
Saturday, May 07, 2022
April 2022 Modeling
Saturday, April 02, 2022
March 2022 Modeling
Saturday, March 05, 2022
February 2022 Modeling
February modeling was fairly limited. Ten pieces of scatter terrain and five random figures. Busy month that included a leak in my main hobby closet that forced me to take everything out to dry the space and review what was damaged. Most of the paper products I really valued survived and the review of box contents revealed a few of the scatter pieces like the Armorcast skull piles and masoleum that I finally finished painting. My favorite bit was the drink dispenser. I shouldn't be that happy about a dental floss container but it turned out alright.
Photographing outside in bright sunlight was harder than I thought it would be. Fortunately I can cast a big enough shadow that I could take a few pictures.
Monday, February 21, 2022
January 2022 Modeling
Tuesday, February 01, 2022
Mortal Citizens 2022
January - Constable/Judiciary/Investigator
February - Messenger/Diplomat/Court Advisor
March - Quartermaster/Logistics
April - Trader/Merchant
May - Explorer
June - Scholar/Librarian/Historian
July - Farmer/Agriculture/Animal Husbandry
August - Smith/Industry/Chemist/Alchemist
September - Entertainer
October - Clergy
November - Companion/Pet/Retainer
December - Ruffian/Criminal
I'm already behind on the prompts but with a ton of models and bits I should be able to come up with something for each. My two main modeling settings are Necromunda/40K and Pulp. A full set for either setting is likely beyond me but we'll see.
Saturday, January 01, 2022
2022 Hobby Plans
No definite 2022 Necromunda roadmap that I can find to guide my hobbying for the year so I’m left to my own devices. Traditionally this would mean loads of buying, some modeling, little painting, zero completed models and no games. Building off a successful hobby 2021 (in which I finished 247 models, 2 vehicles and some terrain (mostly scatter)) I will hopefully be able to invert my traditional hobby output for a second year in a row.
Marketplace stalls, scatter, vendors, etc. including a Fude Court.
Convert a citizen/hanger on model a month
Cawdor gang = Cawdor
Starting gang list
Model and paint starting gang
Rattus Tatterskin conversion
Gang terrain
6 25mm bases for hidden traps
Incendiary Trap
Divine Brazier
32mm base
Hive Incense
32mm base
Smoke - 3” -1 to hit roll
Gas - all fighters except Cawdor activating within 3” of a marker must make a Toughness check
Caged Heretic
32mm base
Nerve test if movement ended within 6” of marker
Caged heretic
Holy Gang Relic
40mm base
Only included if defender in scenario
Pillar/Plinth with sacred object on it
Delaque gang = Inquisitor cells
Starting gang list
Interrogator and operatives
Black ship retrieval team
Model and paint starting gang
Anvil Industry models
Nas Slorac Neighborhood Thundercube venue
Use Eric’s Hobby Workshop jousting stands to make the basic crowd stands.
Play through the basic scenarios in the rulebook:
Sector Mechanicus
Zone Mortalis
In progress Rattus on left... |
Paint Pulp Alley Leagues from kickstarter
Make Pulp Alley leagues from 40K and Necromunda minis
Build up Pulp terrain collection
Make downtown buildings from Matakishi plans
Practice scenarios
Play games
Pulp leagues
40K leagues
Download Grimfight and Grimfight Skirmish rules
Make some army lists
Model forces from collection
Play some small games using AI rules