Getting close to finishing painting on my first squad of Steel Legion troops while starting the painting of squad #2. 11 out of 71 models with paint on them for the force.
Minimal progress on painting has me looking at all of the in progress/built models that are visible in my hobby area and thinking about what to paint next. One possibility is Inquisitor Axne built after seeing many interesting conversions from the easy to build Sequitor Stormcast models. I'm working on some background for her and her Inquisitorial warband. I see her as a positive, pragmatic force committed to both preserving and improving the Imperium. It is a position that would, sadly, generate more enemies rather than fewer I suspect.
"An Escher ganger taken at age 10 in a Goliath raid, Axne was used as a test subject in Goliath growth stimulant experiments. She escaped five years later having endured a litany of substances that left her standing well in excess of six feet tall with a strength to mass ratio the envy of many front line battle servitors. Alone in enemy territory, Axne then spent the next several years haunting the nearby territories as she collected resources and tried to determine how best to enact her revenge on the Goliaths. During that time she observed and eavesdropped on all manner of settings, people and transactions slowly developing an affinity for finding ideas and areas of worth."
Inquisitor Axne and acolytes recruited from her former Escher gang.
If Inquisitor Axne is envisioned as a positive Inquisitorial force then Cardinal Vindix is quite the opposite. He is a Ministorum Cardinal that will use Inquisitor rules if he ever takes the field. Cruel and vindictive, his quest for Ministerial justice is always focused on maximizing fear and imposing his version of the Imperial Truth. I assume his hood is made from the flayed skin of his opponents real and imagined.